

Thinking more highly of yourself than of others; arrogance (See also humility, meekness)

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18


Boastful Or Humble

Kids read several situations and decide if the child acted in a boastful or humble way.

Godly Behaviors

Kids complete several scenarios and then determine if their chosen actions would be considered showing justice (fairness), mercy (kindness), or being humble (selflessness).

Serve Like Jesus

This activity will help children remember to serve others in humility, just as Jesus did.

The Humble And The Proud

Using the parable about the Tax Collector and the Pharisee, this activity will help show the difference between humility and pride.

Who Gets The Glory?

Who gets the glory when things go well, you or God?

Who Is The Greatest?

In this activity, children will think about who God considers the greatest.


Pick Your Order

In this game, children learn how easy it is to put themselves first and learn the importance of humility.


Beware Of Pride

Society promotes pride and high self-esteem as the greatest building blocks for a happy productive life. In today’s lesson children will learn that too much pride or self-esteem is a very dangerous thing.

Pride Gets In The Way (Tower Of Babel)

After completing this lesson, the children will understand how pride gets in the way of following God and the plan He has for our lives.

Who Is The Greatest?

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that God honors those who are humble.


Jesus Was Humble

(Word Search) Jesus was humble, and he shows us how to become humble servants with words found in John 13: 1-17

Puzzled Over Jealousy

(Word Search) After completing this word search, the children will not be puzzled as to why God's jealousy is holy and just while theirs is not.

Tangled Up In Pride

(Maze) Pride can easily entangle us if we are not careful.

Tower Maze

(Maze) Kids race to see who can get through the maze and to the top of the tower first.

Tower Of Babel

(Word Search) Children search for words from the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel.


Help Or No Help?

A skit about three boys who realize through a little humility to give credit to whom the credit is due. (A skit for four persons)

The Crooked Tree

A moving skit about how one crooked tree was blessed on Christmas day. (Skit for six:


Don't Get Hooked

(Storybook Available) A young fish finds that sin comes with a high price!

Ricky The Raccoon

(Storybook Available) A raccoon's prideful ego becomes his downfall.

The Crooked Tree - A Christmas Story

A moving story about how one crooked tree was blessed on Christmas Day.


Ricky The Raccoon

The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.


Ricky The Raccoon

The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.


Ricky The Raccoon

The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.