The children learn to ask the Lord to intervene on their behalf when they are facing turbulent times.
The children will create a comic style summary of a Bible story where a girl is brought back to life.
The children will make a visual aid to help them remember that God creates everyone and everything for a purpose, which is to bring Him glory.
A person who is not filled with the Holy Spirit is like a deflated balloon: lifeless, limp and not much fun.
The children will come up with as many words as they can by using the phrase "Lord of Life."
Through this activity, children will learn the power behind Jesus' words and their own words.
There are many different sources of power in the world today; what is your power source?
God's unseen power: what would we do without it?
Search through the Bible to discover why God pours out his wrath on some.
We serve a mighty God who is an Army of One. This bulletin boards shows the children how God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit work together as one.
Children will begin to see the vastness of how wonderful Jesus is with this display.
The children will make a craft about God’s power.
The children will create a visual aid to help them remember that Jesus can calm the storms in their lives.
Children have fun playing a different version of Pin The Tail On The Donkey, which helps them remember the account of Jesus healing a blind man.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand that God created the heavens and the earth.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand how they must depend on God in the same way Jesus depended on His father in Heaven.
God is full of strength and power.
Through an event that takes place in the New Testament, children will learn what it means to have faith in Jesus, and they will see how the Power of God works in the lives of those who believe in Him.
In this lesson, children learn how God is everywhere. No matter where they are, God is there to protect and guide them.
Through this lesson, children learn that we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control.
This lesson will teach children that Jesus’ power has no limits!
In this lesson, the children will see how Jesus has authority over all things. Nothing is impossible with Him.
God’s healing power is demonstrated throughout this lesson. Additionally, children learn the importance of praising Him with a thankful heart.
In this lesson, the children will see that everything and everyone has a purpose in bringing glory to God. They will discover how Jesus’ miracles bring glory to God as well.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will see that God is a God of miracles and that His power and might sustains us each day.
In this lesson, children will learn that it is foolish to trust in our own strength; rather, we should trust in the Power of God.
This lesson teaches children that Jesus’ words have the power to heal.
Using the proper tools empowers us both physically and spiritually.
With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do great things for the kingdom of God, but without it we are powerless.
The power of the Holy Spirit is an everlasting gift that never runs out.
An object lesson to demonstrate the truth of creation and the power of God.
A science object talk to show that God's miracles are truly miraculous.
A simple Object Talk to show that unless we are plugged in or connected to Jesus, we can do nothing.
When God is with us, who can be against us?
How long is your power cord? Do you have what it takes to tap into God's power?
This object talk demonstrates how faith in our Lord can help us from being crushed by fear.
(Word Search) God knows the secrets of our hearts, our thoughts, how we were made; He knows everything. In this word search, children find words from key verses about God's knowledge.
(Cryptogram) When children finish decoding the puzzle, they learn that God is the creator of all things.
(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of 2 Peter 1:3
(Word Search) The children will learn the details of one of Jesus’ miracles.
"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). This verse is written on a Tangram, an ancient baffling puzzle kids can solve.
(Word Scramble) Children unscramble words found in the story about the fall of Jericho.
Part 2: Sofia has a hard time being humble and must turn to God for help.
(A skit for three)
This skit teaches children to exercise their faith and give praise to the Lord. (Skit for two or eleven.)
The exodus from Egypt, as told by one family's pets (Skit for two)
(Audio Available) A song about the power of God found in David as he faced the fearless giant named Goliath. Sung to the tune “The Ants Go Marching.”
This song about some mighty men of the Bible will soon become a favorite Sung to the march “Seventy Six Trombones.”