The children will learn about a young king who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
Children will learn that God wants us to serve Him wholeheartedly. Children will also learn about different ways in which they can serve the Lord.
Children enjoy a fun activity while learning how to prepare for opposition.
Children identify areas in their lives that they need to give up, so they can offer themselves to God as living sacrifices.
This activity helps children focus on connecting with God’s heart.
The children will review Nehemiah’s different character traits and attributes.
God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but to respect and honor Him.
The children will learn how God uses each person in unique ways for His purpose.
Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.
God makes us different for a reason. We all have a purpose. As Jeremiah discovered while observing the potter as he made clay vessels, God can use us in any way He chooses. We are His children, and He is our Lord. (Jeremiah 18:1-10)
Kids create a colorful necklace as a reminder to dedicate their whole lives to Jesus.
A fun craft to help children with their daily walk with God and to encourage good habits.
A child selected to be king will judge the abilities of the other kids to describe a situation that is pleasing to God. If accepted by the king, they can enter his pretend kingdom.
Two teams are challenged to come up with different ways they can live to serve Jesus
In this lesson, the children will learn that to be just like Jesus, they must give their whole self to God and become a pleasing offering to Him. As Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins, so that we may have everlasting life, we must also become "Living Sacrifices", holy and pleasing to God.
This lesson teaches the importance of remembering God during times of prosperity. Additionally, the kids will learn not to deceive themselves into thinking that it is through their own ingenuity or strength that they have acquired homes, material goods, or money—opportunities, abilities, strengths, and talents come from the Lord, which we should never forget.
After completing this Christmas lesson, children will learn that God has great things in store for all of us as we live lives that are pleasing to Him.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of following God's commands completely, and by doing so receive many blessings and joy.
In this lesson, the children learn that Nehemiah let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of repairing the walls around Jerusalem.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the Religious Leaders who were too busy being pious to notice that Jesus had been born. We will talk about the difference between having a head full of knowledge and a heart full of knowledge during the Christmas season.
An Object Talk to show how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God when weighed down with
earthly possessions.
We must always live our lives remembering that Jesus is right here with us, knowing everything we say and do.
A simple Object Talk to show how much God desires our love and adoration, all throughout our lives.
An Illustration to demonstrate how quickly time passes.
The children will discover how to apply God’s Word through an object talk to prefer others over themselves.
Children learn that to fear God means to respect Him, not to be terrified of Him.
(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story of Nehemiah, who let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls for God.
(Word Search) Children search for words related to Saul becoming king.
(Word Search) A search to find out what happened to Jonah when he disobeyed God.
Mini skits about dedicating your desires, actions, and thoughts to the Lord.
The students will enjoy participating in a silly skit that demonstrates the need to show love and dedication through your heart and actions—not just through words and study. (Four or more actors.)
(Audio Available) A song about putting Jesus first in thoughts, words, and actions. Sung to the tune, "Are You Sleeping?"