

Refusing to give up, even during time of difficulty

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9


All We Need Is Jesus

The children will use this activity to practice rejoicing in all circumstances.

Choose To Persevere

In everyday life, children are faced with situations where they must choose to persevere.

How Patient Am I?

Kids examine different chores to learn about the benefits of patience and perseverance.

Magnet Discovery Bin

The children will discover a similarity between magnetism and believing in Jesus Christ.

Size Up The Ark

Children visit the great outdoors to visualize the size of Noah’s ark.

What Encourages You?

Children reflect on things they look forward to while learning that their greatest encouragement comes from Jesus.


Build And Protect

The children will have fun completing a challenging task as a team.

Line Of Perseverance

Children's Sunday school games - Line of Perseverance


A Living Hope

Through this lesson, children learn that God uses the trials and hardships in our lives to refine our faith and provide opportunities for us to be a witness to others.

An Enduring Faith

Through this lesson, the children will understand the magnitude of the task given to Noah, and how sometimes we must have patience and perseverance to receive God’s blessings.

Becoming Perseverant

After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to persevere, no matter what activity they are doing, because they will become mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Love Is Everlasting

In this lesson, the children will learn that true love, the kind that comes from God will last forever, no matter what may come.


After completing this lesson, the children will understand that some things in life take time and extra effort, but Jesus gives us all the help we need, even special people to care for us.


Children learn that God’s helpers remain faithful, even during difficult times.

Spiritual Growth

Through this lesson, children learn that God's divine power provides them with everything they need to live godly lives; thus, they escape the corruption evil desires cause in the world.

The Testing Of Job

This lesson teaches children that just as we joyfully praise God when things are going well, we, like Job, should patiently trust God to deliver us through our seasons of suffering.


Safety Line

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Sanding Rough Edges

God will never have us face temptations or difficulties beyond what we can bear, but going through these will help make us stronger, more mature Christians.


God uses many things in life to equip us for His purposes

True Strength

An object talk to show how God protects us in unseen ways, to help us overcome life's difficulties.


Amazing Patience

(Maze) Job patiently endured many twists and turns in his life, struggling through what appeared to be dead-ends. Likewise, our lives can seem like a confusing maze of events, but thankfully, we know God has the answer key.

Depend On Jesus

(Word Search) The children will review and find words that relate to Christian maturity.

God's Promise

(Word Fill-in) God promises to give those who love Him the "crown of life" if they do something important. Find out what it is!

How Noah Did It

(Word Fill-in) A word puzzle to help the kids discover what it really took for Noah to build the ark.

Job's Afflictions

(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story of Job, when Satan afflicted Job with many sorrows in an attempt to get him to curse God.

Run The Good Race

(Maze) Kids help the jogger finish the race in this maze of perseverance


Joe Can Do It!

Joe is reminded that perseverance has its reward. (A skit for two)