

Treating someone cruelly or unjustly because they are different or because your beliefs are not the same

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10


More Than Meets The Eye

Man looks at the outward appearance, while God looks at the heart.

Precious In God's Sight

This activity teaches kids that we should show kindness to everyone in the world.

Stand Your Ground

A lesson on doing what's right, even if no one else will.


Samaritan Woman At The Well

Children relate this familiar Bible story to how we are all different and special because God made us in His image.


A Tough Path

The children will race through a challenging obstacle course and learn about persecution.

Jesus And The Soldiers Matching Cards

The children will find matching cards while learning how the soldiers interacted with Jesus.

Peer Pressure Challenge

The children will race to identify good and bad peer pressure.


Spiritual Strength

In this last lesson of the series on the Beatitudes, the children will discover how Christians can be faithful and strong in what they believe, even when being persecuted and mocked by those who do not believe. They will learn that this strength and hope to stand against evil is one of God's greatest gifts.

Suffering For Being A Christian

Through this lesson, children will learn that if they suffer for being a Christian, they are not to be ashamed, but rather rejoice that they bear the name.

The Soldiers

The soldiers witnessed Christ’s crucifixion and the evidences of His resurrection.


Incredible Strength

How can you gain the strength to stand up to the pressures and temptations of this world? This object lesson shows how.

Sweetness Of Jesus

It is much easier for a Christian to handle the pressures of this world when they have the sweetness of Jesus inside.


Christian Suffering

(Word Search) Children search for words related to Christian suffering and victory through Jesus Christ.

Jesus And The Soldiers

(Maze) The children will complete a maze and learn about Jesus’ crucifixion.

Paul And Silas In Prison

(Word Search) Kids search for words from the story about Paul and Silas when they continued to glorify God and share the Good News of Jesus while in prison. (Acts 16:16-30)


Fiery Furnace

A lesson in standing for God no matter what. (Skit for six)


Blinding Light

(Audio Available) A song about Saul going to Damascus and how his life changed after seeing the blinding light of Christ. Sung to the tune of, "Itsy Bisty Spider."