An activity to demonstrate how friends can affect the way we behave.
Bad company corrupts good character, so choose your friends wisely
The children will learn how biblical figures handled peer pressure.
Kids discover how much influence their friends have on their lives.
(Coloring Page) Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Luke 10:25-37)
God's Word tells us to remember to do good, to share what we have, and to look after the needs of others.
The children will identify actions that “unlock” hearts for the Lord.
The children will identify ways to help others with specific needs.
A feel good activity enabling children to accept themselves and others as they are.
Man looks at the outward appearance, while God looks at the heart.
(Coloring Page) Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
Kids have fun exchanging Dog Tags and praying for others.
Sometimes it can be hard to know who our true friends are. Thankfully, the Bible gives us some guidelines.
The children will create a summary to recount Joseph of Arimathea’s service to Jesus.
Children relate this familiar Bible story to how we are all different and special because God made us in His image.
Children's Sunday school games - Friend Search
After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of developing godly friendships.
In this lesson the children will learn the importance of choosing friends wisely, and how they might be influenced, either good or bad, by the friends they keep.
Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is more concerned with our spiritual condition than He is with our physical well being.
God’s servants are willing to help others even when faced with a tough or challenging circumstance.
Through the example of Job's friends, children learn how to comfort others.
By coloring in with pencil large letters that spell FRIENDS, you will show how friends,
whether they are good or bad, can easily rub off on you.
(Word Fill-in) The children will use their bibles to discover a secret message about helping others.
A mini skit that introduces the children to Nehemiah's mission from God. (Skit for two.)
Finding a true friend has nothing to do with outward appearances. (A skit for three persons)
A story about forgiving the shortcomings of others to see their true worth. (Skit for three persons)