(Coloring Page) Jesus called Peter and Andrew saying, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
At home, school, or church, we must remember to follow Jesus.
This Bible research activity shows us how we can give glory to God by putting Jesus first in our lives.
In this activity, children will list ways in which they will follow God and then discuss why it is important to remain spiritually active.
In this fun activity, students will use star clues to find a special treasure that reminds them to seek Jesus daily.
Children identify with John the Baptist, the disciples, and many others who gave up everything to serve Christ.
Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. We should only do what Jesus would do. John 5:19
The children will enjoy matching the scriptures as they look them up in God’s Word.
The story of Ruth is about a young widow who found a basketful of joy because she decided to follow the Lord. God has many baskets full of joy for all who follow His Son Jesus Christ.
This display will remind the kids that as disciples of Jesus, they are called to reach out in the community and invite others to church. (Mark 1:17)
This display will remind the kids that they can follow Jesus and obey Him wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing.
A whimsical yet truthful picture of how Jesus is the most important leader all of us should follow.
Children see they can follow the light of the Lord by reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, and going to church.
The light is always with us when we follow the Son of God. Use this bulletin board to display key Bible verses about following Jesus.
A reminder that to be just like Jesus, one must be humble, depend on God, show love and be a "living sacrifice."
A colorful scene showing the difference between the broad road to destruction and the narrow road leading to life as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:14
Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.
We live in a world filled with many weeds, but we are children of God. Therefore, let us rise high and live for Jesus.
Living for Jesus means we will have a life full of blessings. These blessings will help us grow, and be happy, like flowers during a spring rain.
A brightly colored, magnetic, foam fish to remind kids of Jesus.
Children create colorful banners to show others how they are members of Team Jesus.
A mind challenging funny game to see how people easily follow what others do.
A game of cooperation to show how staying connected can be a lot of fun, and how being connected to the Lord is essential for producing good fruit.
According to Jesus there is a narrow road that leads to life, but only few enter through its gate.
A four lesson series that teaches children how to live lives of Christian humility, that are holy and pleasing to God.
Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is able and willing to supply both our physical and spiritual needs. We need to be careful not to waste the blessings the Lord provides and utilize these gifts to the best of our abilities.
In this lesson the children will learn that like Saul, we must acknowledge Jesus as our Lord wherever we are, and follow Him wherever He leads us.
In this lesson, children will learn the cost John the Baptist paid to serve Christ. Students will also learn what it means for us to deny ourselves and take up our crosses.
Through this lesson children learn that we can accomplish so much more in life when we include God in everything we do. The Holy Spirit, prayer, and Bible reading empower both our physical and spiritual lives.
Through this lesson children will learn why it is important that we live our lives for the Lord.
Through this lesson series, children will understand that Jesus is calling all of us to follow Him. When following Jesus, we are to be obedient to His commands and to His teachings and share the Good News about salvation.
Through this lesson, children will learn that when Jesus is our Lord, we follow His teachings and will do what He tells us.
In this lesson, children will learn that apart from Jesus, we have no life, and when we are living for Jesus we can bear much fruit.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the Wisemen. We will focus on the example they set for us in seeking Jesus with all that they had in order to worship Him fully.
A simple Object Talk to show that unless we are plugged in or connected to Jesus, we can do nothing.
Without Jesus, even some of the simplest things in life become quite difficult.
(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of 2 Peter 1:3
(Crossword) Jesus depended on God, and He asks us to depend on Him and His power as a branch depends on the vine. John 15:4,5
(Word Winder) Children complete a Word Winder puzzle to find out why the Apostles followed Jesus.
Part 2: Sofia has a hard time being humble and must turn to God for help.
(A skit for three)
Part 1: Sofia, a brilliant young student learns that we all need to be humble, just like Jesus. (A skit for four)
Part 4: Sofia discovers the joy of serving food to others, after some confusion about
who will enjoy the meal. (A skit for three)
Part 3: Sofia gets out her apology, and also learns a valuable lesson about love.
(A skit for two)
(Audio Available) A delightful song to help us follow Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”
(Audio Available) A song about putting Jesus first in thoughts, words, and actions. Sung to the tune, "Are You Sleeping?"