A fun challenge that reveals God's omniscience.
God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but to respect and honor Him.
This activity will compare warning signs the children see everyday with warnings found in the Bible. Warning signs we see help us be safe, but warning signs from God help us in many more ways.
Search through the Bible to discover why God pours out his wrath on some.
Giggles abound with this craft showing it is important to listen to God.
No matter where we run or try to hide, God knows where we are, because He is right there with us.
Children will learn that God gives them the courage and encouragement they need to remain obedient to Him, even during tough times, worldly pressures, and persecution.
After completing this lesson, children will understand that God looks at our inner being, our soul, and sees not only how we act in public, but our inner thoughts and private actions as well. Students learn that God liked what He saw in the heart of a young man named David and selected him to be a king.
This lesson teaches the importance of remembering God during times of prosperity. Additionally, the kids will learn not to deceive themselves into thinking that it is through their own ingenuity or strength that they have acquired homes, material goods, or money—opportunities, abilities, strengths, and talents come from the Lord, which we should never forget.
In this lesson, children learn how God is everywhere. No matter where they are, God is there to protect and guide them.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will better understand the use of the word fear in the Bible as it relates to respecting and honoring God. God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but we should respect and honor Him.
This Sunday school lesson teaches children to look for God's warnings about bad behavior and how we can benefit when we listen to and obey God.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand why it is important to take God at His Word and do what He says, instead of coming up with excuses.
This lesson illustrates the importance of living a life of faith in God and His provision, rather than relying on just our own strength and understanding.
Being able to spin an egg that has been hard-boiled will show the kids how a hardened heart
makes it difficult to resist the devil.
Children learn that to fear God means to respect Him, not to be terrified of Him.