

Family of believers; family of God; Church family; earthly family (See also Body of Christ, Church)

"If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8


Christian Family Values

From three short Bible stories, children discover what is special about living in a Christian family.

Christmas Distractions

In this activity, students will create a silly story about things that can distract us from the true meaning of Christmas.

Guess Whose Mom?

This scripture-matching activity will introduce the children to some very important mothers found in the Bible. A great activity for Mother's Day.

Jesus And Me

How does a child's life today compare to when Jesus was born? This activity helps kids relate to Jesus.


The Church Is Our Home

A great bulletin board idea for teaching how children of God will live forever, because their real home Is with Jesus Christ.


Father's Day Bookmark

Kids have fun making this personalized bookmark for their dads

Father's Day Coupon Book

Children complete a special Father’s day craft to honor their fathers, grandfathers, or other male role models in their lives.

Genealogy Of Jesus Wheel

Jesus came from a royal family, a direct descendant of King David. The Genealogy of Jesus Wheel provides the kids a fun way to compare the Genealogy of Jesus with their own.

Mother's Day Flowers

Kids will make a beautiful flower, which displays their love and thankfulness for their mothers.

Teaching Necklace

Children create ornaments to hang around their necks to remind them of Proverbs 1:8-9.

Teachings To Remember

This Mother’s Day craft teaches children to honor their parents and obey God.


A Father's Love

Jesus' parable of the prodigal son demonstrates the qualities of a loving father. Through today's lesson, children will learn that all of us can have this type of loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.

A Mother's Praise

In this lesson, the children will examine several well-known mothers from the Bible, and learn about the wife and mother of noble character. The children will discover how important the role of a mother is, and how mothers are worthy of praise.

Honor Your Mother

Through this lesson, children will see that we should honor our mothers everyday of the year.

Joseph Forgives

Through the story of Joseph, and how he forgave his brothers for the way they treated him when he was young, the children learn the power of forgiveness. They also learn how Jesus forgives us and that it is important to forgive others.

My Christian Home

In this lesson, the kids will discover the blessings that come from living in a Christian home, and how to respond to others who do not know Jesus.


Keeping Warm

The warmth and joy of a Christian family is a true blessing from God.


Joseph's Jealous Brothers

(Crossword) An easy crossword puzzle using key words from the story of Joseph and his jealous brothers.

Me And My House

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 25:15b) This verse is written on a Tangram, an ancient baffling puzzle kids can solve.

Twleve Brothers

(Word Search) Joseph was one of twelve brothers, who became the twelve tribes of Israel. All twelve names are hidden in this word search.

Words That Describe Dad

(Word Scramble) Kids unscramble words that describe dads.


One Kid's Treasure

(Storybook Available) A story about one young man's discovery about everlasting love.