
Eternal Life

Everlasting life in the presence of God

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them away from me."  John 10:28


Finish The Story

Children will discover how God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, so He could show us the way to salvation.

Narrow Path

Walking the narrow road may not be easy, but the reward is worth it. It leads to eternal life with Jesus.

What Encourages You?

Children reflect on things they look forward to while learning that their greatest encouragement comes from Jesus.


Narrow Is The Road To Life

A colorful scene showing the difference between the broad road to destruction and the narrow road leading to life as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:14


My Beautiful Heart

A craft to help children understand how their hearts can become "beautiful" and acceptable to God.


Balloon Messengers

The children will work together to find and gather coins to give an offering to God.


Raising Of Lazarus

Through this lesson children will be introduced to the concepts of resurrection and eternal life. They get a glimpse of the power that will be fully displayed during the final resurrection when all the deceased hear Jesus' voice and rise from the dead.

Seeds That Fall On Good Soil

This fourth lesson in this series focuses on the sower's seeds that fall on good soil. The children will discover how the wonderful the Word of God helps us grow spiritually and gives us everlasting life with Jesus.

The Pearl Of Great Value

Through this lesson children will learn why it is important that we live our lives for the Lord.

The Rich Man And Lazarus

Through this lesson children will learn that a fool spends his life trying to satisfy his own sinful desires, while a wise person will live a life that pleases God.

Walk The Narrow Path

Children will choose to walk on the path of righteousness by avoiding ungodly influences and temptations along the way.

We Can Live For Jesus

In this lesson, children will learn that apart from Jesus, we have no life, and when we are living for Jesus we can bear much fruit.


Cactus Needles

A cactus has needles to protect the water within, but when we drink of the living water, we have God's protection.

Living Invitations

Children love to get invitations to birthday parties. This object talk teaches that God wants us to be living invitations.

Serving God

You are never too young or too old, the reward is the same.


God's Promise

(Word Fill-in) God promises to give those who love Him the "crown of life" if they do something important. Find out what it is!

Help Lazarus Unwind

(Maze) It is amazing; Jesus has raised Lazarus from the dead!

Lazarus Come Forth

(Word Scramble) Unscramble the words found in the story about the resurrection of Lazarus.


At The Carnival

(Storybook Available) Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."