Through this activity children learn that their actions show others that they believe in Jesus.
The children will build a “wall” of Christian maturity.
The children will choose actions and words that reflect a servant heart.
From three short Bible stories, children discover what is special about living in a Christian family.
An insightful activity that teaches children an important Spiritual Truth.
Bible reading is good for the soul.
When something goes well, how do you feel? Who do you tell? What do you say to God? How about when something goes wrong?
Children find joy in encouraging others.
I delight in your commands because I love them.
This activity will show that each of us is known by the type of fruit that we produce.
The children learn that out of hundreds of thousands of people they can shine and stand out for Jesus.
An activity to teach children that God prunes us and cuts things out of our lives so that our lives will produce more fruit for Him.
Through these exercises, children learn the importance of living according to God's standards, even if it means that we will live like foreigners in this world.
The children will guess the contents of each jar to learn about being “filled” by Jesus!
Kids create a colorful necklace as a reminder to dedicate their whole lives to Jesus.
A brightly colored, magnetic, foam fish to remind kids of Jesus.
A Christmas coloring craft to show how children can give special gifts to Jesus.
The children will discover that God cares more about our hearts than outward appearances.
The children will create a book to help them remember to pray.
The children will have fun drawing while their choices lead them to consider the biblical meaning of replacing the old self with the new.
Children create ornaments to hang around their necks to remind them of Proverbs 1:8-9.
This Mother’s Day craft teaches children to honor their parents and obey God.
The children will learn that we should always work hard for God.
The children will “clothe” themselves with qualities that show Christian maturity.
Children's Sunday school games - Do it for Jesus
The children will race to stack cups and put Jesus first!
Children advance to the finish only by imitating the actions of familiar characters.
Five lessons that provide children with important guidelines that are needed to live a life that is devoted to God.
In this series, children will be taught some main themes from the book of James. Themes that will teach them to become perseverant, doers, ‘tongue tamers,’ wise, and even submissive to God. The book of James is very applicable to our daily lives. His message is based on Jesus' famous "Sermon on the Mount."
Choosing to obey God leads to Christian maturity.
Through this lesson, children will learn how God wants us to interact with fellow believers, as the end draws near.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand that the Holy Spirit has nine traits that He wants to bring forth in us.
Our faith grows as we serve the Lord.
Living for Jesus means relying on Him.
A three lesson series about communicating with God through the power of prayer.
After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to be pure in every area of their lives. They will understand that they can only be pure by being in the Bible and reading His Word daily.
Thinking about spiritual things, and putting Jesus first, is a sign of Christian maturity.
Through this lesson, children will learn that God does not want us to be influenced by the world, but rather we are here to live lives that will make a difference for the glory of God.
Through this lesson, children will learn that if they suffer for being a Christian, they are not to be ashamed, but rather rejoice that they bear the name.
Real Christians are as different from fake Christians as real flowers are different from artificial ones.
Are you made with the right stuff? With Jesus, we are the perfect mix.
We react to many things without even thinking, even out of habit. Is our reaction fitting for a Christian?
(Word Search) Children search for words related to Christian suffering and victory through Jesus Christ.
(Crossword) The children complete a crossword to learn about Christian maturity.
(Word Search) The children will review and find words that relate to Christian maturity.
(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of 2 Peter 1:3
A school mate discovers it does make a difference how we live and how we act as Christians. (Skit for three.)
Mini skits about dedicating your desires, actions, and thoughts to the Lord.
As Christians, we must choose to pray, knowing that our Father in heaven hears our prayers.
A song about some Christians who just don't get it! They believe in God, but have no actions to show it! This is their song! Sung to the Veggie Tales tune of "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"
A song about Christians who DO get it! We believe in showing our love for God with actions, not just words! This is our song! Sung to the Veggie Tales tune of "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything."
God's love makes all the difference. Sung to the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
(Storybook Available) Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."
(Storybook Available) What do you see when you look at others?
A fish story worth telling.