
Body of Christ

The Bride of Christ, the Church (See also unity)

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27


Build A Church

As children bring their offerings to class, they will earn pieces of a puzzle that when completed will be a large picture of a church building.

Different Rooms

Everyone is called to serve within the Church using whatever gifts we have, "For we are God's fellow workers." 1 Corinthians 3:9a

Number One Team Signature

Kids write in their names to show that they are members of a number one team—Team Jesus.

Serve God With Your Whole Body

(Coloring Activity) Children use their coloring skills while showing how they can use the different parts of their bodies to serve God.

Special Gifts Tour

A guided tour to find Spiritual Gifts and how they build up the Body of Christ, the Church.

Spiritual Gift Match

Kids match the names of Spiritual Gifts with different activities shown in pictures.

When We Give Together

What may be impossible for one person to do is possible when believers give together. This activity shows the importance of teamwork.


Different People

We live in a world made up of many different people from many different backgrounds, nationalities and lifestyles. God loves everyone. Children must learn to respect and love each other, because God loves all of us.

The Church Is Our Home

A great bulletin board idea for teaching how children of God will live forever, because their real home Is with Jesus Christ.

Work Of His Hands

God makes us different for a reason. We all have a purpose. As Jeremiah discovered while observing the potter as he made clay vessels, God can use us in any way He chooses. We are His children, and He is our Lord. (Jeremiah 18:1-10)


Stay Connected

A game of cooperation to show how staying connected can be a lot of fun, and how being connected to the Lord is essential for producing good fruit.

What's My Talent?

Like the old "What's my line" game. Children guess the talent of a special guest


Don't Waste Your Talent

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that they should use the gifts given to them by God to help build up the Body of Christ.

Gifts From Above

After completing this lesson, the children will discover they are special because God will give them Spiritual Gifts to help serve in His Kingdom.

My Gift Matters

This lesson illustrates how every gift given to God, no matter how large or small, is very important in reaching out to build up God's Kingdom.

The Body Of Christ

After completing this lesson, the children will discover that we are all part of the Body of Christ, and in unity we should work towards the common good of the Church.


Ask A Friend

This Object lesson will reveal just how fast a Sunday school class can grow when God's Word is shared.

Many Parts, One Body

In order for something to operate correctly, all parts perform important functions. Every Christian is important too, because they are all part of one body: the Church.

Picture Perfect

How can you be a good example of a child of God unless people can clearly see Jesus living in you?

Strength Of Many

The Body of Christ is stronger and more effective when everyone pitches in.


Gifts From Above

(Word Search) Spiritual Gifts used to build up the Body of Christ from Romans 12:4-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 can be found in this Word Search

No Gift Is Too Small

(Word Search) Even as children, we can give to the church in many meaningful ways to help the body of Christ grow.

Tangram Verse Puzzle

"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). This verse is written on a Tangram, an ancient baffling puzzle kids can solve.

The Magi Search For Jesus

(Word Search) After Jesus was born, some very special people paid him a visit. Words from the story are hidden in this word search.


The Window (A Christmas Poem)

A poem about a brilliant light in the night showing the way to the newborn king.