

A sign that our sins are washed away, and we belong to Jesus
"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Romans 6:4


Salvation Railroad

All aboard the Salvation Railroad! A quick reminder of the different steps every child should understand before being baptized. You can easily create this bulletin board using basic shapes.


Baptism Certificate

Baptism certificates will help every young Christian remember and celebrate the day he or she was baptized into Christ. Suitable for framing.


Jesus Is The Answer

In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that Jesus is God's answer to our sin. They will learn that Jesus died on the cross for us, and purchased our place in Heaven. Jesus got what he did not deserve, to keep us from getting what we do deserve, that is eternal death and separation from God.

Preparing The Way

In this lesson, children will discover how God called John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Messiah. Children will also learn that God calls them to prepare the way for others to know Jesus.

Trusting In Christ Alone

In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that faith is the key to receiving the gift of Salvation. Out of faith we are able to trust in Christ alone, confess His Holy name before others, be repentant of our sins, and finally in obedience to His Word, be baptized.


Fully Cleansed

It takes more than doing good things to be born again, it takes the cleansing blood of Jesus.

New Life In Christ

Baptism expresses the forgiveness of our sins and the freedom to live a new life in Christ.

Refreshing Water

We use water for many things, and it can be quite refreshing to drink. However, John the Baptist used water in a special way to prepare the way for Jesus.

Wash Away Sin

No matter how much we have sinned, Jesus can wash all our sins away.


Baptism Certificate

Baptism certificates will help every young Christian remember and celebrate the day he or she was baptized into Christ. Suitable for framing.


In The River Jordan

A mildly humorous song about John the Baptist at the River Jordan. Sung to tune of "Bicycle Built for Two."