
Outreach - Central America

earth dot Translations Available


Derrick serves God by working with the children in Belize City. Here are some of the many other churches you help support as members of Kids Sunday School Place: Hearts of Christ Children's ministries, Belmopan; Body and Soul Ministries, Belmopan; and Joshua Generation Youth Ministries, Belmopan.

The mission of the Belize Minsistries of the Son of God is to spread the Gospel throughout Central America through education, cooperation, fulfillment, and economic development according to God's Word. 



Pablo is a missionary working in the Colombian forests, for Orinoquia Departamento del Vichada-Selva de la Orinoquia, in the community of Sarrapia, Orinoquia, Colombia. Pablo shares some interesting photos.


Support now given to churches in this country, such as UPCI de El Salvador located in the capital city of San Salvador. 




With our Spanish translations, we are able to support many churches in the country of Honduras, in cities such as San Pedro Sula, Roatan, and Comayaguela. 




Calvary Chapel in Managua has an elementary school, needing resources in Spanish for their Bible study class. With free access to our Spanish material, many churches in Nicaragua can now share the Good News with local children attending Iglesia de Cristo, Congregación Villa Alemania in Villa Venezuela; Iglesia de Dios Senda de Amor, Bluefields; Iglesia de Cristo, Managua, and Encuentro Con Cristo in Managua.