Matthew 2:1-2; 9-12 |
The Birth of Christ - A Bright Morning Star |
Matthew 3:1-6 |
John the Baptist |
Matthew 3:13-17 |
Who is Jesus? - Jesus is God's Son |
Matthew 4:1-11 |
Army of One - How Do We Serve The One True God? |
Matthew 4:18-22 |
The Twelve Apostles - Fishers of Men |
Matthew 5:33-37 |
Teachings from Jesus - Making Promises |
Matthew 6:25-25 |
God Cares For Me - God Blesses Me |
Matthew 7:1-5 |
Teachings from Jesus - Judging Others |
Matthew 7:24-25 |
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders |
Matthew 9:35-38 |
Godly Living - Who Will Go? |
Matthew 13:3-23 |
The Parable of the Sower |
Matthew 14:22-33 |
Jesus Walks on Water |
Matthew 18:10-14 |
The Parable of The Lost Sheep |
Matthew 19:13-22 |
Putting Jesus First - With Our Thoughts |
Matthew 21:6-11 |
Easter Lesson - The Triumphal Entry |
Matthew 27:11-44 |
The Good News of Easter - Jesus Forgives |
Matthew 28:1-10 |
The Good News of Easter - Jesus is Alive! |
Mark 2:1-12 |
How Jesus Loves Us - Jesus is Our Healer |
Mark 4:35-41 |
Jesus Calms the Storm |
Mark 9:33-37 |
Teachings From Jesus - Who is the Greatest? |
Mark 10:13-16 |
How Jesus Loves Us - I Am Special to Jesus |
Mark 10:46-52 |
Bartimaeus Sees Jesus |
Mark 11:1-10 |
Prayer - We Worship God |
Mark 12:28-31 |
All For Jesus - The Greatest Commandment |
Mark 12:41-44 |
All For Jesus - Cheerful Giving |
Mark 13:32-37 |
Stop, Look, and Listen - Watching for Jesus |
Mark 14:32-42 |
I Wanna Be Just Like Jesus - An Obedient Child |
Mark 15:1-21 |
The Good News of Easter - Jesus Forgives |
Mark 16:1-7, 19 |
Easter Lesson - Where Did Jesus Go? |
Luke 2:1-16 |
Christmas Lesson - Born in a Manger |
Luke 2:1-20 |
The Birth of Christ - When Our Savior Was Born |
Luke 5:17-26 |
Gifts From God - God Gives Us Friends |
Luke 6:27-36 |
Teachings from Jesus - Love for Enemies |
Luke 7:36-38, 44-48 |
Putting Jesus First - With Our Actions |
Luke 9:1-6 |
The Twelve Apostles - Go and Tell |
Luke 10:25-37 |
The Parable of The Good Samaritan |
Luke 10:30-36 |
Special Occasions - A Loving Heart |
Luke 10:38-41 |
Mary and Martha |
Luke 11:5-13 |
The Parable of a Friend In Need |
Luke 12:35-40 |
Stop, Look, and Listen - Waiting for Jesus |
Luke 15:1-7 |
The Parable of The Lost Sheep |
Luke 15:11-24 |
The Parable of The Prodigal Son |
Luke 17:11-19 |
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers |
Luke 19:1-10 |
Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree |
Luke 23:1-49 |
The Good News of Easter - Jesus Forgives |
John 2:1-11 |
Jesus' First Miracle |
John 3:1-15 |
Nicodemus and Being Born Again |
John 6:5-13 |
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand |
John 9:1-12 |
Jesus Heals the Blind |
John 10:7-10, 27-30 |
Stop, Look, and Listen - Hearing Jesus |
John 10:11-15 |
How Jesus Loves Us-Jesus is Our Good Shepherd |
John 10:22-42 |
Who is Jesus? - Jesus is God |
John 11:1-44 |
Raising of Lazarus |
John 12:1-8 |
All For Jesus - Poured Out for Jesus |
John 13:1-17 |
I Wanna Be Just Like Jesus - God's Helper |
John 14:1-3 |
Godly Living - Heavenly Homes |
John 14:2-6 |
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Way |
John 14:6-11 |
Gifts From God - God Gives Us Jesus |
John 15:1-8 |
I Wanna Be Just Like Jesus - Needing God |
John 18:28-19:37 |
The Good News of Easter - Jesus Forgives |
Acts 2:42-47 |
Godly Living - Sharing Your Blessings |
Acts 9:1-22 |
The Apostle Paul - Paul Becomes a Special Disciple |
Acts 9:19-27 |
The Apostle Paul - The Great Escape |
Acts 13:1-12 |
Army of One - How Do We Fight For The One? |
Acts 16:16-34 |
The Apostle Paul - Singing in Jail |
Acts 27:13-44 |
The Apostle Paul - Shipwrecked |
Romans 6:22-23 |
Attributes of God - God is Holy |
Romans 10:9-13 |
Who is Jesus? - Jesus is Lord |
Romans 12:10, 16-18 |
Growing For Jesus - God Helps Us Grow |
2 Corinthians 8:1-5 |
Tithes and Offerings - My Gift Matters |
Tithes and Offerings - A Cheerful Giver |
Galatians 5:22-26 |
Fruit of the Spirit - Walk in the Spirit |
Ephesians 2:4-5 |
Attributes of God - God is Merciful |
Colossians 3:23-24 |
Growing For Jesus - Working For Jesus |
2 Timothy 3:15-17 |
Gifts From God - God Gives Us the Bible |
Hebrews 10:22-25 |
Godly Living - Let's go to Church! |
James 3:9-10 |
Putting Jesus First - With Our Words |
1 Peter 4:9-11 |
Growing For Jesus - God's Little Helper |
1 John 4:7-12 |
I Wanna Be Just Like Jesus - Loving Others |
1 John 4:7-21 |
Attributes of God - God is Loving |
Revelation 4:11 |
Attributes of God - God is Honored |
Revelation 22:16 |
The Birth of Christ - A Bright Morning Star |