

Children's ministry skits help students with acting and reading skills. These interactive Christian skits are great for role play, puppets, or simply reading aloud. More information

God Is Our Protector

The children will perform a skit based on Isaiah 36-37 to remind them that God is the only true protector. (Skit for seven or more: King Hezekiah, King of Assyria, Eliakim, Isaiah, Citizens, and two narrators.)

God Will Provide

The story of the prophet Elijah during the time of severe drought while an unfaithful king ruled in the Northern Kingdom. Shows how God can provide in miraculous ways. 1 Kings 17:1-16 (Skit for five)

Golden Opportunity

In this skit a young boy redeems himself from an awkward situation that could have cost him his integrity. (A skit for six persons)

Help Or No Help?

A skit about three boys who realize through a little humility to give credit to whom the credit is due. (A skit for four persons)

How Do You Love Game Show

The students will enjoy participating in a silly skit that demonstrates the need to show love and dedication through your heart and actions—not just through words and study. (Four or more actors.)

Humble Like Jesus

Part 1: Sofia, a brilliant young student learns that we all need to be humble, just like Jesus. (A skit for four)