
Using Skits

Bible Skits, like stories should be done using different voices and emotions. Sound effects really draw the children into the story, if you let the kids help with the sound effects, the play becomes interactive. Interactive skits are ideal for classroom settings as they help to keep the listener focused on the play.

Puppet skits can transform a dull unimaginative classroom into a world of wonder. Puppets can also add a touch of animation as their characters help illustrate Biblical truths. Puppets also make great fall guys.

Skit Index:

Skits are arranged in alphabetical order by title. Skits with a green dot next to the title are available to everyone; whereas material with a purple dot next to the title signifies that membership is required for access. A brief description is next to each skit. To view the actual page, simply click on the title. Also, if you are looking for an skit to use with a particular topic, try visiting our Topical Index section.

Skits Page:

Each skit has one or more applications, that can be found at the top of the page, under the heading Topics. A list of materials that you will need to perform the skit is provided under the heading of Materials. The estimated time it takes to complete the skit is also provided. Speaking parts for each character are then listed.

A text version of each skit is available, without the graphics, topics, materials, and duration listed, by clicking on the link "Skit Handout"


Handout pages, when used, are in PDF form for easy and consistent printing. You can produce the number of copies needed using your printer or a copy machine. To print PDF files, you must have Adobe reader. To download the free program from the Adobe website, click here 

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