

LESSON 3: Adam and Eve Disobey God

Lessons in this series: 1 2 3 4 5 Overview

In this Sunday school lesson, children learn that God made rules to protect us and that sin entered the world when people broke God's rules. 


Adam and Eve, Disobedience, Evil, Sin

AS KIDS ARRIVE (15 minutes)

As the children arrive, have lots of wooden blocks for the children to play with. Tell the children that they must obey one rule if they want to play with the blocks and that rule is "No throwing blocks." As the children build walk around and ask them to explain what it is their building, praise them for doing their best work. Be excited and involved with the various building projects.

When class is ready to start have the children sit with you in a circle on the floor. Ask them the following questions:

1. Why do you think I had the rule "No throwing blocks"? (This rule was made to protect them and the room.)
2. What might have happened if someone broke the rule and threw the blocks? (Someone may have gotten hurt if they got hit by a flying block. The room may have gotten damaged, a nick in the wall or a broken window.)
3. What should happen to a person who threw blocks? (They could be punished with a time out and not allowed to play with the blocks.)

Eve and the Forbidden Fruit (Optional Coloring Page) Click here 

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

"Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it." Proverbs 8:33 NIV
Recite the verse. Explain to the children that God created us and knows what is best for us. We should be smart and listen to His instructions. Recite the verse again.          

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you for story time. For added interest, before class, decorate the area with plants and flowers to resemble a beautiful garden. After the introduction, read the story about "the fall" right from the Bible. If possble, use a children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to understand.

Just as we had one rule for playing with blocks, God has one rule for Adam and Eve to follow if they wanted to live in the beautiful garden of Eden. Let's read our story today and find out what rule God gave Adam and Eve to follow.

Read Genesis 3:1-24 (The fall)

Discussion Questions:

1. What was our story about today? (The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve breaking God's rule and the punishment.)
2. God said that Adam and Eve could eat the fruit of all the trees but one. Which one was forbidden? (The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.)
3. Why do you think God made this rule? (To protect them from knowing about evil.)
4. What did God say would happen if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (They would die.)
5. What happened when Adam and Eve disobeyed God? (God made them leave the beautiful garden, life got much harder and now people would die.)
6. What did God put in front of the entrance to the garden to make sure Adam and Eve could not enter the
garden again? (Angel.)
7. What is another name for disobeying God's rules? (Sin.)

FUN TIME (10 minutes)

Classroom Rules (Activity) Click here


Sin Spoils (Object Talk) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here
Start by praying to God and thanking Him for His loving kindness and for giving us rules to protect us.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

As the children wait to be picked up, play a game of "Red Light, Green Light" with the kids. If you don't remember how the game works or have never played the game, here are some quick directions:

Children line up in a horizontal line facing you. You will stand at the opposite side of the room and call out "Green Light" or "Red Light". When you say green light the children move towards you, when you call red light they must stop. The first child to reach you wins. A child must go back to the starting line if they continue to move forward once you've called red light.

Once the game is finished ask them if it would have been the same without rules. Would the game have been as interesting without rules? Explain that it is much the same in real life, rules and laws make life much better.


Come back next week to learn more about our awesome God.


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here