Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers. For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.
The Bible is full of interesting and special people. The lessons in this series are about some of those men and women found in the Old Testament. You can use these lessons by themselves as stand-alones, or together as a series.
God's Special People (Bulletin Board)
Lesson 1 - Balaam and His Donkey
This lesson will help younger children understand that although they may not see God, He is always there to guide them along the way. Bible Verse - Isaiah 58:11a; Bible Story - Balaam's Donkey; Optional Bible Story - Numbers 22:21-35.
Lesson 2 - Gideon Defeats the Enemy
In this lesson, the children will learn how Gideon defeated a huge army with only 300 men. Although he was far outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible. Bible Verse - Palsm 18:30; Bible Story - Gideon the Mighty Warrior; Optional Bible Story - Judges 6:11-16; 36-40; 7:1-22.
Lesson 3 - Samson's Great Strength
In this lesson about Samson and Delilah, children learn that talents and strengths are gifts from God. Bible Verse - Psalm 18:32; Bible Story - Samson's Great Strength; Optional Bible Story - Judges 13; 14; 16.
Lesson 4 - God Speaks to Elijah
In this lesson, children learn how God provides for them in miraculous ways when they are obedient to His Word. Bible Verse - Psalm 111:5; Bilbe Story - 1 Kings 17:1-6.
Lesson 5 - Jonah and the Big Fish
After completing this lesson, the children will understand why it is important to listen to God and do what He says, instead of coming up with excuses. Bible Verse - Luke 11:28; Bible Story - Jonah 1:1-17.
Lesson 6 - Brave Queen Esther
Children discover how Queen Esther saved the Jewish people and learn that we should also help others whenever we can. Bible Verse - Pslam 118:8; Bible Story - Queen Esther Saver her People; Optional Bible Story - Esther 2:5-9, 2:17, 3:5-6, 4:1-10, 5:1-7, 7:1-8:8.