

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


We receive many blessings from God, but some are more precious to us. In this three-week series, children learn about a few of these special gifts from God.


Showers of Blessings (Bulletin Board) Click here

Lesson 1 - God Gives Us Friends

This lesson will help children understand that friends are wonderful gifts from God and how they should always act friendly towards other children. Bible Verse - Psalm 23:1; Bible Story - A Man Who could Not Move; Optional Bible Story - Luke 5:17-26. 

Lesson 2 - God Gives Us the Bible

This lesson will help children understand that the Bible is a precious gift from God. The Bible teaches us how to live a life that will please God. Bible Verse - Pslam 25:5a; Bible Story - 2 Timothy 3:15-17.

Lesson 3 - God Gives Us Jesus

This lesson will help children realize that Jesus is God's most precious gift. Jesus came to earth to be with us, teach us, save us, and give us a way to know God in a personal way. Bible Verse - John 3:16a; Bible Story - John 14:6-11.

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