
Bee Thumb-body with Jesus

A craft that reminds kids that they're someone special with Jesus.


Encouragement, Following Jesus, Self-Worth


Fun Stamp pad and ink
White Construction paper
Yellow Construction paper
Assorted Markers, Glue sticks
Soap and water or pre-moistened napkins for clean-up 


Approximately 15 to 20 minutes

thumb print bee


Make tiny little bees using thumbprints of the kids. Before class, write the following heading in bold letters on pieces of white construction paper:

I can bee thumb-body with Jesus

During class, help the kids use an inkpad to make several thumbprints on their paper. Then help them glue on wings made from ovals cut from yellow construction paper. The kids can draw feelers and body decorations to each bee.

Sometimes kids feel left out or that they are not important because they are so young. Some may be longing for attention, others may be easily discouraged. This little activity will help the kids know that they are somebody very important to Jesus. He was never too busy to let the children come to Him with open arms. With Jesus inside their hearts, they are special some-bodies.

 thumb print bee  thumb print bee