How To Use Bible Songs
Worship is an important part of any Sunday school class. What could sound better than children's voices singing to God—it's pure joy! It doesn't matter to children whether you have a talent for music or not, just have some fun.
"Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2
"I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." Psalm 104:33
Familiar Melodies
Most of our songs use familiar melodies. We come up with new and meaningful lyrics to help children relate to their lesson. Children can easily learn the new songs because they are already familiar with the melody.
Song Index:
The Song Index is arranged alphabetically by title, with a brief description next to each. To view the actual content, simply click on the Title. Each song has one application or more which can be found at the top of the page. Use our handy Topical Indexes to find songs that go with a particular subject or lesson objective.
Recorded Samples:
Many of our songs have full-length recorded samples that can be heard with any media player. Look for (Audio Available) next to the song description. Find the link to launch the music sample by looking for the Grade school blue note or the Preschool orange note
in the list of materials. You can also listen to samples of common melodies if you are not familiar with a particular song. The link is at the top of the song index page.
Saving Recordings to Your Computer:
You can save any of our recordings to your own computer or thumb drive for later use. This way you can listen to the song without being on the internet. To save a song, right click on the Audio Sample link. When the window appears, select the option, "Save Link As" and then save the file into any folder on your computer or other device.