

Children's ministry word puzzles are a fun way to become familiar with important messages from your lesson. Look for Crosswords, Cross-outs, Fill-in, Scrambles, Word searches, mazes and more. Use these special activities for a particular theme, or just for fun. Always a hit with the kids. More information

A Promised Helper

(Word Search) The children will complete a word search that teaches about Jesus’ promised helper.

Abba Repeats

(Word Search) The children will search for the word “Abba.”

Abram And Lot Part Company

(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story of when Abram & Lot had to part company due to the size of their flocks.

According To His Purpose

(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of Romans 8:28

Ahab And Jezebel

(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story about Elijah's confrontation with Ahab and Jezibel.

All Sins Forgiven

(Cross-out) Children cross out certain words in this puzzle to reveal the message of 1 Peter 3:18, that Jesus died for our sins to bring us to God.

Amazing Patience

(Maze) Job patiently endured many twists and turns in his life, struggling through what appeared to be dead-ends. Likewise, our lives can seem like a confusing maze of events, but thankfully, we know God has the answer key.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

(Cryptogram) People tend to look at other's outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.

Attributes Of God

(Word Scramble) Kids unscramble words that describe some of God’s attributes.

Bible Word Search

(Word Search) The Word of God, the Bible, was written by over 35 people, each coming from a different background. This word search lets the kids find key words about the people who wrote the Bible.

Blessed Is He

(Word Fill-in) Children find key words from the story about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.