

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


This three lesson series teaches children the importance of giving back to God with their tithes, talents, and service.


Build a Church (Activity)

Lesson 1 - A Cheerful Giver

This lesson illustrates the attitude we should have when we give our money or our time. Memory Work - 2 Corinthians 9:7; Scripture Reading and Discussion - 2 Corinthians 9:6-10. 

Application: God wants us to give with a cheerful heart and a generous spirit. God doesn't want us to give because we feel that we have to. It pleases God to see that we give because we want His kingdom to grow. We can give many things; we can give of our time, money, talents and prayers. All of these things help others learn about God's wonderful plan of salvation. When we give, God will make our gifts grow beyond our wildest expectations.

Lesson 2 - My  Gift Matters

This lesson illustrates how every gift given to God, no matter how large or small, is very important in reaching out to build up the God's Kingdom. Memory Work - 2 Corinthians 8:12; Scripture Reading and Discussion - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15.

Application: God doesn't care how much we give. His desire is that every Christian give whatever he or she can. When we work together to build up the Church, even the smallest gift is important. Not all of us are rich, talented in music, or good at other difficult things. But we all have a purpose in the church when we give back some of what God has blessed us with. God doesn't care if our gift is large or small, because He will use every gift for some good. Whether there are people who need clothing, food, prayers, money to pay bills or to hear the Good News about Jesus, our gifts large and small really do matter. This week, think of ways you can give. 

Lesson 3 - God's Blessings

This lesson illustrates that by giving to others, God blesses us. Memory Work - Matthew 6:19-20; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Malachi 3:10-12.

Application: God doesn't want us to be selfish or self-centered. Real blessings come when we are willing to share what we have with others. Life doesn't consist of the possessions we have, but rather the love we show to others. God has abundant blessings waiting for us, if we will trust and obey Him. God tells us in Matthew 6:19-21 to store up our treasures in Heaven.

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