

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


Through this lesson series about the twelve apostles, children will understand that Jesus is calling all of us to follow Him. When following Jesus, we are to be obedient to His commands and to His teachings and share the Good News about salvation. 


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Follow Jesus (Bulletin Board) 
Twelve Apostles (Award Certificate)

Lesson 1 - Called to Follow Jesus

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that Jesus is calling all of us to follow Him. Memory Work - Matthew 10:2-4; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 2:13-17, John 1:32-49. 

Application: There are many times we are asked to follow. It may be to follow what others are doing, it may be to follow instructions that are given, and it may be to follow Jesus. We are fortunate indeed that we already know enough about Jesus to want to follow Him. But are you willing to give up everything and follow Jesus, like the apostles? Most likely, God is not calling us to leave our families or give back all of our toys, but we can still follow Jesus with all of our hearts. You see, our hearts oftentimes hold us back. Our hearts can hold on to bad attitudes like selfishness, greed, and pride. We are to leave these things behind, and instead fill our hearts with the love of Jesus. This is following Him. And from the apostles we can learn when we should begin following Jesus: Immediately!

Lesson 2 - Sending the Apostles

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that in following Jesus, we are to be obedient to His commands and to His teachings. Memory Work - Matthew 10:2-4; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 10:2-16, Luke 9:1-6.

Application: Jesus commanded his apostles to go without any food, money or even extra clothing to the lost sheep of Israel. They were told to preach the Good News about the kingdom of Heaven, to heal the sick and to perform miracles. What a mighty task. But Jesus wanted to make sure they did not rely on their own power to carry out the mission. Jesus not only provided what they needed to live along the way, He also provided the power to perform miracles. Does Jesus have a mission for you? He may not be asking you to do what the apostles did. But He is asking you to follow Him and obey His commands and His teachings. Sometimes even these may seem difficult, but Jesus will never ask you to do anything without giving you the power to do it. 

Lesson 3 - The Great Commission

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that in following Jesus, we are to share the Good News about salvation. Memory Work - Matthew 10:2-4; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 28:16-20.

Application: Those who hear the Good News and take it to heart, can accept the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ. We should live a productive life for our Lord. Please note that we cannot work our way into heaven, but if Jesus is the Lord of our lives we will want to live for Him. We will follow His rules and tell other people about Him. We won't be prefect, and we will still make mistakes, but we will try our best to live a life that is pleasing to God.

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