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Suffering turns to joy for two widows who put their trust in the Lord. A four lesson series on the book of Ruth.


Basketful of Joy (Bulletin Board)

Lesson 1 - Following On Faith

 With this introduction to the wonderful story of Ruth, children will learn that even during times of uncertainty, they can always follow the path of truth when they put their faith and trust in the Lord. Memory Work - Proverbs 3:5-6; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Ruth 1:1-22. 

Application: Following the Truth is not always easy, but God will be there to help guide us. Ruth was born a Moabite woman, but after living with Naomi for several years, she learned the truth. She chose to give up her own heritage and go with her mother-in-law back to Israel to worship the one true God. She knew it would be difficult without a man to look after them (both women were widows), yet Ruth knew it was more important to follow God and let Him take care of her than to remarry. Sometimes following the path of truth involves making a difficult decision.The path can be paved with hardships and uncertainties. No matter what the obstacles are, God will take care of us if we place our trust in Him.

Lesson 2 - Finding Favor

After completing this lesson, children will see that we can show kindness and give generously to others because God shows kindness and gives generously to us. accordance to His will. Memory Work - Matthew 6:26; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Ruth 2:1-23.

Application: God will take care of us. The Bible says He will supply all that we need. There are many ways He can do this. He provides seed for the birds, nectar for the bees, and manna for the Israelites when they wandered in the desert. But for Ruth and Naomi He provided Boaz. God knew Boaz would give Ruth and Naomi what they needed most: food and security. 

Lesson 3 - Facing Responsibility

After completing this lesson, children will learn what it means to be responsible and how being responsible honors our Lord. Memory Work - 1 John 3:7; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Ruth 3:1-18.

Application: Responsibility is not something we are born with. It must be learned and practiced throughout our lives. Being responsible affects our feelings, thoughts and actions. Responsible people do what is right, even when no one is watching. Boaz is a great example of someone who acts responsible. Although Boaz is Ruth's relative, he is not a close relative; therefore, it was not mandatory that he agree to marry Ruth. Yet, Boaz agrees to marry her anyway because it was the right thing to do. Not only was he fond of Ruth, but also he wanted to give her the security she deserved for being faithful to God. Boaz did the right thing by showing respect and compassion towards Ruth and showing his own self-respect by acting in a righteous manner. In fact, in God's eyes, Ruth and Boaz were perfect for each other. 

Lesson 4 - Fulfilling God's Plan

After completing this lesson, children will learn what it means to be redeemed by Jesus by comparing how Boaz was the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth. Memory Work - Luke 1:68; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Leviticus 25:48-49a, Ruth 4:1-17.

Application: God had a wonderful plan for Ruth. It involved a kinsman-redeemer named Boaz. Because he loved her and he was an honorable man, he paid the price to set Ruth free from a life of poverty. This beautiful story shows us a lot about our own relationship with God. God truly loves us. But we are all sinners. Because of this sin, we cannot have a true relationship with God. The price for our sin is death. But God sent his Son to pay the price for our sin. He died for us on the cross so we could live. Jesus is our Redeemer. 

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