

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


A six week series that teaches children how to have a spiritual life that bears good fruit.


Pear Up With Jesus (Bulletin Board)

Lesson 1 - Perseverance

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that some things in life take time and extra effort, but Jesus gives us all the help we need, even special people to care for us. Memory Work - James 1:4; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Luke 13:6-9. 

Application: It is difficult to learn how to live on your own. That is why we have teachers and parents. Imagine what it would be like if when you were five years old, your mom and dad said, "We’re done, you’re on your own now." What would you do? Your parents know what it means to persevere. That’s why they make sure you’re ready to be on your own before they let you go. Things aren’t always easy. But the more difficult something is, the more you can appreciate the accomplishment. Weren’t those fig bars good?

Lesson 2 - Don't Be Lazy

After completing this lesson, the children will have a better understanding of being zealous for the Lord. Memory Work - Colossians 3:23; Scripture Reading and Discussion - 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15.

Application: It is written in Proverbs that a lazy man will say there is a lion in the road as an excuse not to go out of his house. But his laziness will lead to poverty. As children, you may not be contributing to the income of your family, but laziness can still have damaging effects. As in our exercise today, goofing off and being lazy may seem good for the moment, but you can miss out on so much. Instead, be eager to help mom and dad, or clean your room, or study for school. The blessings from working hard can last a lifetime. 

Lesson 3 - Right Priorities

After completing this lesson, the children will discover that special priority should be given to Jesus every day of our life. Memory Work - Matthew 6:33; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Luke 10:38-42.

Application: Mary chose the right thing. She gave Jesus the right priority for the moment. That is not to say that hard work, doing chores and taking care of others is not important. It is! But even though they are important, Jesus is more important. We need to make sure we give Him the highest priority in our life. Mary knew that Jesus would not be with them forever, so she wanted to spend every precious moment with him. Martha could have waited to do the chores. Perhaps, after Jesus left, Mary and Martha could even do the work together.

Lesson 4 - Don't Waste Your Talent

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that they should use the gifts given to them by God to help build up the Body of Christ. Memory Work - 1 Peter 4:10; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 25:14-30.

Application: The word “Talent” appears 14 times in Matthew 25:14-30. God also generously gives talents to all of His children. He never holds back His special gifts. Your special talent may not be sports or playing an instrument or singing, but you do have some. It may be caring for others, serving, praying, or perhaps simply being a good friend when someone is in need. We can either waste the gifts God gives us by passing up opportunities to use them, or use them every chance we can to further the Kingdom of God. If we just waste them, they may disappear altogether.

Lesson 5 - Heavenly Treasures

This lesson will help the children learn what it means to store up treasures in Heaven, where they will last forever, instead of on earth where they will soon disappear. Memory Work - Matthew 6:21; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 6:19-24; Luke 12:16-21.

Application: Material things of this earth, like toys, trees, houses, and cars are only temporary. They may last a long time for you or me, but they will never last forever. Eventually they will be destroyed by water, wind, fire, sun, or just age. So, if we store our treasures on earth, we are kind of wasting our time because they won't last. But by building up our relationship with God, and by doing His Will here on earth, we are storing up treasures in Heaven that will last forever.

Lesson 6 - Count Your Blessings

After completing this lesson, the children will be able to recognize and give thanks for the many blessings they have in Christ Jesus. Memory Work - Deuteronomy 28:2; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Deuteronomy 28:1-13 

Application:  bBessings are all around us, but we should not just take them for granted. God gives us blessings like: the rain to keep things green and growing; the food we have to eat; people who care for us; a place to worship God; clothes to wear; friends; homes to keep us warm and dry; soft beds to sleep on; and the list goes on, and on, and on. 

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