

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


A three lesson series on Joshua that stresses the importance of not relying on our own strength. Those that accomplish anything of significance for God will trust Him and obediently follow where He leads.

Lesson 1 - Joshua Leads Israel

In this lesson, children learn that God's followers have nothing to fear as God is with those who obey Him. This fact is illustrated as children are introduced to Joshua, the man God appointed as leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses. Memory Work - Joshua 1:9; Scripture Reading and Disucssion - Joshua 1:1-18. 

Application: In today's lesson, we learned that God wants us to meditate on His Word day and night. We need to be careful to guard our hearts and not depart from what is taught in the Bible. We can take great comfort in knowing that God will never leave or forsake those that He loves. Today's lesson also taught us that we can courageously do the tasks God gives us, no matter the obstacles that may appear to be in the way. 

Lesson 2 - Rahab Helps the Spies

 In this lesson, children will learn about a woman named Rahab. The students will see how Rahab's decision to help God's people saved her life and the life of her family. Memory Work - 1 John 3:18; Scripture Reading and Disucssion - Joshua 2:1-24.

Application: In today's lesson we saw that Rahab risked her life to help Joshua's spies. Rahab's decision to help God's people saved her life and the life of her family. Like Rahab our outward actions speak louder than words, demonstrate what we believe, and show what we are devoted to. Our decisions will also effect those we love.  

Lesson 3 - The Fall of Jericho

In this lesson, children will learn that it is foolish to trust in our own strength; rather, we should trust in the Power of God. Memory Work - Pslam 18:2; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Joshua 6:1-20.

Application: In today's lesson, we saw that the people of Jericho trusted in the city's wall to protect them, whereas the Israelites trusted in God. Many people rely on their own strength or talents to solve life's problems. That works some of the time, but what happens when the problems are too big for us to handle? God's children can take comfort in knowing that He can make even the biggest problems crumble, just as He made the wall of Jericho fall. Will you believe God's promises and have faith that He wants the best for you? 

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