

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


In this three-week series, children learn how special they are because God created them in His image. 


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Lesson 1 - God Knows Me

 In this lesson, children learn how special they are because God created them in His image, and God knows their innermost thoughts from beginning to end. Memory Work - Pslam 139:13-14a; Scripture Reading and Disucssion - Psalm 139:1-6. 

Application: David knew exactly what he was to God: special. And like David, we are also special in the eyes of God. Knowing that God knows everything about us should give us comfort because He always knows everything we need, and is always there for us, to care for us, and love us.

Lesson 2 - God is All Around Me

In this lesson, children learn how God is everywhere. No mater where they are, God is there to protect and guide them. Memory Work - Psalm 139:13-14a; Scripture Reading and Disucssion - Pslam 139:7-12.

Application: Can you imagine a place without God? The Bible says, "No matter where we try to go, God is there." On the top of a tall mountain, at the bottom of the sea, flying in a plane, or even in the darkest room, God is there. Knowing this should affect our lives in a profound way. We should act and do things so God would be pleased. We can also take comfort in knowing that God is always there to guide and protect us. God also wants us to be with Him even when our earthly bodies die. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus to show us the way. When we believe and trust in Jesus, we have everlasting life in the presence of God. 

Lesson 3 - God Made Me

So many people, especially people who are not Christians, reject the idea of creation. In this lesson the children can see the wonderful creation of God through their own selves as David did when he wrote Psalm 139. Memory Work - Psalm 139:13-14a; Scripture Reading and Disucssion - Psalm 139:13-16.

Application: When we go to the park and see the plants and trees, or go to the zoo and see how the animals are so beautifully different from each other, or if we just look around, we can see that there is a creator. That creator is God, our Lord Jesus Christ. The wonderful thing is that God chose to create man in His own image. (Genesis 1:26). This means that God knows us intimately, and we can know Him intimately too. He knows our innermost thoughts, our ways, and the things that we plan to do even before we do them. Isn't it wonderful there is a God who knows us so well, and cares so much about us? 

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