

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


This series teaches children the importance of carefully listening for God's voice and the benefits of obeying Him.

Lesson 1 - The Lord Calls Samuel

After completing this lesson, the children will discover that by listening carefully, they can hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit. Memory Work - John 10:27; Scripture Reading and Discussion - 1 Samuel 3:1-21.

Application: God is calling us, if only we will listen. He truly wants to communicate with us, guide us and share with us His will. There are many distractions in this world that may keep us from hearing the voice of God, but the biggest distraction of all is simply not taking the time to listen. Instead, we fill up our time with television or video games when we could be reading the Bible or praying. This week take a few extra minutes to pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you hear. Then listen for the still, small voice of God. For God wants nothing more than to be in communion with you.

Lesson 2 - God Speaks to Elijah

Children learn that when they do what God asks of them, through obedience, God will watch over them, and take care of all their needs. Memory Work - Job 37:5; Scripture Reading and Discussion - 1 Kings 17:1-16.

Application: God wants to protect us and provide all of our needs, but more than that He desires that we listen to Him and be obedient to His word. When we do, He will shower us with blessings, even during difficult times. Elijah and the widow are perfect examples of how God sends help our way, when we are obedient to Him. 

Lesson 3 - God Speaks Through Micah

In this lesson, children learn how God spoke to His people through the prophet Micah. They will also learn what God requires from everyone who belongs to Him: to treat others fairly, to show mercy, and to walk humbly with the Lord. Memory Work - Micah 6:8; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Micah 6:6-8.

Application: From the great prophet Micah, we learned how God wants us to live. We learned three things that please God more than any sacrifice. He wants us to act justly and fair, show mercy, and walk humbly before Him. When we do these things, we not only live godly lives, we become more effective at sharing Christ with others. We will plant seeds to carry out the Great Commision because others will want to discover why we practice justice, show mercy, and live humbly. 

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