

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


Two stand-a-lone lessons for Christmas that reinforce the true meaning of this Christian Holiday.


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Lesson 1 - Let Your Light Shine

After completing this lesson, the children learn how the Magi followed a bright star to find Jesus, and that they too can be a bright star for others to find Jesus. Memory Work - Matthew 5:16; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 2:1-12. 

Application: Jesus wants to be found. Even shortly after He was born, before He could even talk, people were able to find Him. As we learned from our lesson today, God used a star to lead the Magi to His Son, a brightly lit star. But we also learned that we too can be brightly lit stars by helping others to find Jesus. When we let our light shine by being good boys and girls, and when we do this, we choose to do right instead of wrong. As a result our neighbors, friends, schoolmates, and even perfect strangers see how different we are—they see the light inside us shine through. When we share with them the secret to our shine—that we have Jesus living in us—they can’t help but also see the real light. So, let your light shine!”

Lesson 2 - The Gift of Christmas

After finishing this lesson, children will realize that Christmas is a time in which we should celebrate the birth of Jesus and worship Him. Memory Work - Romans 6:23; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 2:1-12.

Application: God loves us very much and gave us the ultimate gift, when He sent His only son, Jesus, into the world to die for our sins, so that those who believe may have eternal life. We need to keep an eternal perspective and not chase after the temporal pleasures that the world has to offer, but rather seek to have a personal relationship with God.

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