

Note: These lessons require membership. Below is a preview of what each lesson covers.  For free lessons, click on LESSONS in the box to the left, and look for titles with a green dot.


Five lessons that provide children with important guidelines that are needed to live a life that is devoted to God.


Follow Jesus (Bulletin Board) 
Narrow is the Road to Life (Bulletin Board) 
The Church is Our Home (Bulletin Board) Click here
A Lamp to My Feet (Bookmark) Click here

Lesson 1 - Walk the Narrow Path

Children will choose to walk on the path of righteousness by avoiding ungodly influences and temptations along the way. Memory Work - Matthew 7:14; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 4:1-11. 

Application: It is not always easy to walk the narrow path of righteousness. Temptation to walk a different, more popular path can come in many forms. It may be from a good friend urging you to do something, or it may be a cool advertisement, or even people making fun of you when you act like a Christian. To avoid falling into these traps set by the devil there are three things you can do. Know the truth, memorize Scripture, and keep on praying.

Lesson 2 - Keep You Eyes on Jesus

Children will discover the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and their faith in Him to avoid falling into trouble. Memory Work - Hebrews 12:2; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 14:22-32.

Application: As we try to keep our eyes on Jesus, the devil will do his best to distract us any way he can. He wants us to look away. But when we do, we risk giving into temptation. The temptation may be pride, worry, selfishness, or fear. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he began to fall into the water. He became afraid of the storm and the sea. The lesson we learn from this is not that we can walk on water, but that when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will be able to do whatever He wants us to do. 

Lesson 3 - Be a Good Example

Children will discover how other people can see Jesus living in them, by being good examples of right Christian attitudes and behaviors. Memory Work - 1 Timothy 4:12; Scripture Reading and Discussion - John 13:1-17.

Application: What better example of being loving and caring could we possibly have other than Jesus Himself. The best way for people to see Jesus in us is to let them see Jesus through us. That means doing what Jesus would do. We don't practice the service of washing feet today as they did in Jesus' day. Perhaps we should. But, there are many things we can do to show the same caring and humble spirit as Jesus. Simple things, like saying thank you and really meaning it, doing our best without grumbling or trying to put it off until later, speaking the truth, and being there for someone who needs you. None of these things take any special training or skills, just doing what is right.  

Lesson 4 - Ready for Jesus

No one knows when Jesus will return, but as Christians we must always be ready. This lesson will help the children learn why and how they can be ready for Jesus’ return. Memory Work - Matthew 24:44; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Matthew 24:36-44.

Application: So how do you get ready for Jesus? First, pay attention and stay alert. When someone drives a car, they must pay attention and stay alert, or else they will have an accident. So as Christians, we must also pay attention to the teachings of Jesus, and stay alert for opportunities to follow the Will of God. Then, we must know that Jesus is always with us, everywhere, all the time. When we learn Jesus is always there right beside us, we will do things a little differently. We will do things that will be pleasing to God. Now we are ready. 

Lesson 5 - My Christian Home

In this lesson, the kids will discover the blessings that come from living in a Christian home, and how to respond to others who do not know Jesus. Memory Work - Joshua 24:15b; Scripture Reading and Discussion - Joshua 24:14-24.

Application: A Christian home is a very important place. God richly blesses a home where everyone in the family serves Jesus and where they worship and praise the Lord. How does God bless a Christian home? In many different ways. He gives a family the ability to offer support and comfort to everyone in the family with the power and love of Jesus. A Christian family can call upon the Lord whenever someone is in need. A Christian home is one where people enjoy visiting, and where its family members are loving and caring. 

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