(Click picture for poster) |
1 |
6-5 BC |
Birth of Jesus |
1. The Birth of John the Baptist |
2. Gabriel Visits Mary |
3. Joseph's Dream |
4. Journey to Bethlehem |
5. Visit of the Magi |
6. Let Your Light Shine |
7. The Gift of Christmas |
AD 26 |
Jesus Begins His Ministry |
1. Preparing the Way |
2. Water Into Wine |
3. The Great Catch |
AD 27 |
Jesus Calls the Twelve |
1. Called to Follow Jesus |
2. Sending the Apostles |
3. The Great Commision |
AD 27-29 |
Miracles of Jesus |
1. Water Into Wine |
2. The Great Catch |
3. Faith of the Centurion |
4. Jesus Heals a Paralytic |
5. Jesus Calms the Storm |
6. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand |
7. Jesus Walks on Water |
8. Jesus Heals the Blind |
9. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers |
10. The Raising of Lazarus |
AD 27-29 |
Teachings of Jesus |
1. The Beatitudes |
2. Beware of Covetousness |
3. We Can Believe in Jesus |
4. We Can Know Jesus |
5. We Can Obey Jesus |
6. We Can Live for Jesus |
7. The Cost of Serving Jesus |
8. Who is the Greatest? |
9. Making Promises |
10. Love for Enemies |
11. Judging Others |
AD 30 |
Last Days |
1. We Can Love and Adore Jesus |
2. The Triumphal Entry of Jesus |
3. A Humble Servant |
4. The First Communion |
5. The Garden of Gethsemane |
6. Death on a Cross |
7. Jesus Dies for Our Sins |
AD 30 |
The Resurrection |
1. The Empty Tomb |
2. The Resurrection |
AD 30-60 |
The Early Church |
1. Beware of Lying |
2. Seeing the Light |
3. The Great Escape |
4. Thrown into Prison |
5. Shipwrecked |
6. A Living Hope |